Pledge of the Rangers
The Rangers do not want to bore or insult you with a huge list of rules. It is our belief that if you need rules, the Rangers is not the guild for you.
However we do have a few simple guidelines that as Rangers you pledge to uphold.
Pledge #1: FUN!
Remember to have fun, this is why we are all here after all!
Pledge #2: Aid and Respect
Always do what you can to help out your guildmates.
- Donate items you don't need to another Rangers member.
- Help newer players learn the game.
- Always give each other the "benefit of the doubt", even if you disagree on an issue.
- Common courtesy and good judgment will build a strong, trusting family.
- Outside of the family, remember you are wearing the Rangers tag, be ready to help and assist whenever you can for whoever you can.
These actions not only reflect well on the guild, they also enrich your own playing experience and improve the social interaction which we hold so dear.
Pledge #3: Remember Who and What You Represent
Flaming others in public, using questionable names for characters, spamming the chat channels, using improper language, kill stealing, harassing people, and other actions that take away the fun of the game from others will not be tolerated.
The Rangers of Dereth is YOUR guild too. Let's make sure we always make a great impression!
~ Striderlongshanks ~
Monarch, Rangers of Dereth